Yiwu cross stitch industry standard is forthcoming – Yiwu News

 Have “female red” cross stitch said. 10 years ago, cross stitch from Europe through Japan and South Korea into China. Today, after 10 years, Yiwu has developed into the country and the world’s largest cross-stitch industrial base. However, cross-stitching industry in the peak period of 2010, the domestic market began to shrink, the expansion of export markets because of industry-standard missing stalled. In order to break through the bottleneck, Yiwu City, cross stitch Industry Association Yiwu Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in hand, commissioned by the Standardization Institute of Zhejiang Province to the drafting of a corporate alliance standards. Yesterday afternoon, the draft standard through expert validation and will be held during the Fair will be publicly released, which will become the country’s first cross-stitch industry standard.

  10 Cross Stitch Kit 7 from Yiwu

  Product quality varies greatly

  Cross stitch is an emerging industry, the late start, but growing rapidly. At present, Yiwu has more than 130 cross stitch professional production enterprises with certain scale, small family workshops with hundreds of as much. Yiwu and the surrounding area, has formed a complete stitch industrial chain in the production of embroidery, embroidered fabric, drawings, accessories, cross stitch products each year through the Yiwu market sales accounted for about 70% of market share, that is, 10 cross stitch kits, there are seven from Yiwu, Yiwu has become the country and the world’s largest cross-stitch industrial base.

  Cross stitch production does not require high technical content, the majority of enterprises do is based on the pattern, embroidered cloth, embroider assemble complete sets of packets due to low barriers to entry, lack of appropriate industry do the standard constraints, cross stitch quality of the product is natural is good and bad. “Yiwu cross stitch Industry Association Secretary-General Hu Yanzhao super, cross stitch of DIY products, consumers need to invest a lot of energy into a finished product, a more complex color cross stitch length of about 2 m, if every day embroidered 8 hours continuous embroidery eight months to be completed, if the fade cross stitch embroidery thread is easily broken, and embroidered cloth said something to fall apart, it is easy to damage consumer DIY enthusiasm, poor user experience, a direct consequence of the shrinking market demand. This is an emerging industry, is a fatal blow.

  A month to sell 7 million package

  The export volume was less than 5%

  ”In fact, the urban market as early as 2009 began to saturation, through technological innovation, the cost of the embroidery threads from the original 140 yuan / kg to 40 yuan / kg, so that the cross-stitch to make significant inroads into the rural market, 2010 years, through innovation, introduction of printing cross-stitch, open markets of the North. “Hu Yanzhao Chao, 2010, cross-stitch industry has entered a peak, thereafter into the industrial period of adjustment, a significant decline in market demand.

  Even so, the national average per month can still be sold 7 million cross-stitch kits. Hu Yanzhao super view, optimize product quality, cross stitch field of application extends from traditional murals to the iphone mobile shell, paper bags, tissue boxes and other household areas of life, domestic cross stitch market potential can still be re-excavated the most headache is the expansion of foreign markets. It is understood that the outer dimensions of up to 60% of Yiwu, cross stitch exports is minimal, less than the total amount of 5%. Restrict cross-stitch is an important reason to go overseas, is the lack of industry standards.

  The industry standard is subdivided into four parts

  Will be promulgated at the end of this month

  To crack hard issues and the Yiwu cross stitch Industry Association since its was established in June last year, started the formulation of standards of business alliances. Yesterday afternoon, seven experts from Shanghai Donghua University, Shanghai Cotton Textile Printing and Dyeing Association, Zhejiang Institute of Standardization units gathered in Yiwu, validation Union standards.

  The standards are subdivided into four parts, respectively, cross stitch embroidery, embroidered fabric, drawings and Kit, and the quality of the appearance of this four-part routine quality specifications, safety and health requirements, test methods, inspection rules, The logo, packaging, transport and storage of the corresponding technical requirements. It is understood that the standard published April 30. The second half of this year, the standard will be declared the national standard, is expected to become the industry standard nationwide cross stitch companies.

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