Yiwu,No.1 of China’s Top 10 Market Cities

According to the third China commodity Market Summit, Yiwu is No.1 of China’s Top 10 Market Cities, and meanwhile both the China Commodity City(CCC) of Yiwu and Yiwu Decoration City rank first respectively among China’s Top 10 advanced Markets and China’s Top 10 New-star Markets.

For more intensive studies of the commodity market, scientific researchers of the Institute of Finance & Trade Economics (IFTE), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), worked together for over 2 years with experts and scholars from research institution, universities, guilds, business administration departments for the Bluebook of Commmodity Market Development in China through on-the-spot investigation, interview, discussion,questionnaire, secondhand data collection, etc. They studied more than 300 markets in different areas, types, industries and development stages, and produced 7 different lists of award winners for the year 2007 related to China commodity markets:China’s Top10 Market Cities, China’s Top 10 Advanced Markets, China’s Top 10 Brand Markets,China’s Top 10 Innovation Markets,China’s Top 10 New-star Markets,China’s Top 10  Markets Worthies and China’s Top 10 Zhejiang Businessmen Outstanding in Foreign Investment Market.
It is learned that the top 10 market cities are Yiwu City,Yongkang City, Shaoxing City,Haining City,Tongxiang City, Foshan City,Shouguang City, Linyi City, Changzhou City and Wujiang City.
The volume of business of Yiwu commodities has been No.1 among national markets for 15 years and this year CCC is No.1 of the Top 10 Advanced Markets. Having developed for 10 years, relying on Yiwu international trade city, Yiwu Decoration City is becoming a shining star among decoration markets in Yiwu and even in China. Decoration commodities reach more than 10 provinces and cities like Shandong, Jiangsu,Anhui, Jiangxi,Sichuan,Guizhou, Shanghai and Beijing. The yearly volume of business reached 60 million yuan from 2001 to 2005 and the volume of business exceeded 100 million yuan in 2006. For all this, YiwuDecoration City is ranked No.1 of China’s Top 10 New-star Markets.
The list shows that Yiwu is becoming the leader of over 300 markets in China as well as the bank of market management talents. The list also shows that over half of the top ten market cities are those in Zhejiang Province. It is said that 16 markets in Zhejiang were awarded various grand prizes for China’s best commodities markets in 2007.

Zhejiang Yiwu, a primary school was robbed killed Reward for collecting clues to solve the case

BEIJING, Jinhua, Yiwu, Zhejiang, March 22 (Reporter Hu Xuming correspondent Chen Zhengming),

Dachen primary school a first grade students being hijacked in the early morning of March 19 and brutal murder. Yiwu police have issued a reward notice, collecting clues to solve the case to the community. Provide clues to help solve the case of the public to give 20,000 yuan award, members of the public found Richie bags and shoes to give 2000 yuan reward.

According to Yiwu police, the victim Richie (a pseudonym) Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, this year’s eight-year-old, from home to the second half of last year, Yiwu reading. To Yiwu, his parents, aunt and aunt have been Dachen work for many years, my sister thought (a pseudonym) has been promoted to Dachen sixth grade school.


Rao master of

Richie’s father, a garment factory workers, family rental in Dachen near the village committee, just ten minutes walk to Tai Chen Primary School. Every morning, Rao master got up to help Richie get dressed after breakfast money will be handed over to small thinking, the siblings go to school together.

about 6:30 on the morning of March 19, small thinking and Richie as usual out of doors. 1 hour after being sleep wake the Zs Rao master burst of rapid ringing of the phone. The phone is Richie’s class teacher, asked Richie how not to go to school. Master Rao Yi Gulu out of bed, my heart filled with a burst of foreboding.

Rao master arrived Richie classroom, his seat is really empty. Reith said, because her breakfast like to eat instant noodles, Richie likes to eat fried rice, and parted before about 200 meters from the school several breakfast. Several students said they had seen Richie in a breakfast to eat breakfast, do not know where he went.

Richie missing Master Rao around Greater Chen Primary School to find four or five laps, but had never found a trace of him. Rao master residence and large primary school between the rear mountain, the mountain one day Tianmen. The child will go to the mountain temple to play it?

the steps of the mountain along the rear did not go far, Rao master a distraction sky blue umbrellas scattered on the ground, it is taken away small Qi Qingchen out. Tianmen Temple and did not find the figure of Richie. He hurried to the local police reported the matter.

19 noon, March 20, Richie aunt found a reservoir in the Peak. The reservoir was built in a shabby brick house within an area of ​​approximately 20 square meters, only a small opening to enter. Because the water is very turbid, and she got a branch military, mired for a while, Richie’s a sports shoe floating up.

Rao master jumped into the waist of the sewage and Richie fishing up, he has not any vital signs.

“Later, we find the mountain several times, but could not find Richie’s bag and the other shoe.” Rao said the master.

through the Yiwu Municipal Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade forensic site investigation identified Richie Department have been killed.

According to Rao, the master, he and his wife Dachen work has been in 2056. While working businesses and house rented for a few times, but always with people whom have never uttered a contradiction, red face. Children who have nothing valuable things really do not know who to him under this murderous? “He said bitterly.


At present,

Yiwu police are over this homicide investigation. As soon as the murderer to justice, the police has been released reward notice also urged the murderer gave himself up as soon as possible to fight for clemency. (End)

Yiwu import and export steady growth in clothing and accessories

From Yiwu Customs data show that from January to February this year, Yiwu foreign trade import and export value of $ 520 million, an increase of 8.7%, an average increase of 5 percentage points higher than the import and export of Zhejiang Province. Which exports $ 470 million, an increase of 7.3%, imports of $ 053 million, an increase of 22.1%. In February, the import and export of Yiwu $ 130 million, down 7.9 percent; imports of $ 028 million, an increase of 53.3%. Among them, the clothing and accessories exports still dominates exports totaling $ 210 million, accounting for 45% of the total export of Yiwu.

Affected by the debt crisis in Europe, Yiwu, the largest export market for EU exports decline, the first two months of this year fell by 2.4%. Over the same period, the U.S. market to maintain sustained growth, total exports of $ 78,660,000, an increase of 17.2%. From the structure of export products, apparel and clothing accessories, electronic products, textile yarn, fabrics and products, still occupy the top three export of Yiwu. In addition, the rapid momentum of growth in machinery and electronic products, total exports of $ 58,160,000, an increase of 34.4%.

Yiwu Customs staff believes that this year, Yiwu export situation is not optimistic. Not conducive to all kinds of foreign trade of the factors that continue to exist, such as the situation remains volatile in the Middle East, the main consumer countries do not have to show strong signs of recovery in the international market is tepid. It is worth mentioning, Europe and the United States trade protectionism is clearly on the rise, and frequent anti-dumping investigations against Chinese products, and to impose punitive tariffs, trade barriers continue to upgrade. China has become the biggest victims of the United States and Europe to the abuse of trade protection measures.

In this regard, the industry recommendations: to continue to maintain the price advantage of Yiwu, product innovation and value innovation can quickly enhance the profit margins of the small commodities. In addition, to take full advantage of state tax policy, might as well go out for international investment.


Location of Yiwu

Yiwu is situated in the central Zhejiang Province, connecting Guangdong and Fujian on the south and Shanghai on the north. It is 300 km to Shanghai and 120 km to Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang. Transportation is convenient with highway and railway connecting most big and medium-sized cities. Over 20 airlines have been opened to big cities like Beijing, Hongkong, Guangzhou, etc.

He sells ketchup packets in Douala

Actually the first destination of Kaka Chen in Africa was Ghana, where his family clothing business started more than 10 years ago.
Yiwu’s businessmen always choose the clothing business as their starting point when they go to overseas countries to explore new profits, especially in African countries. ”
That was really a wise choice made by my parents 10 years ago. But nowadays clothing business environment is becoming tougher and tougher,” said Kaka.
So it was not strange that Kaka proposed to his parents that they should explore new business after he stayed in Accra, the capital of Ghana for two years. “What’s your plan?” asked his parents.
“Ketchup packages.”
The ketchup should be a prosperous business. Kaka stated that Africans always add some ketchup into their staple food, to satisfy their unique taste. “They like the sour taste, they feel delighted when their fry rice with ketchup.”
So that’s how Kaka fought for his own business, by leaving Ghana and opening a ketchup factory in Douala, the largest commercial city in Cameroon.
“Life in Douala is boring, I have to say.” Kaka confessed that life in Africa is kind of simple, like the life of monks in the temple.
There are no malls for shopping, no entertainments for killing time; what Kaka usually do at nights is watching the CCTV-4 programs and occasionally pressing the F5 button to
refresh the net page. “CCTV-4 is the only Chinese channel we can watch in Douala. The network speed there is slow to a crawl, it always takes minutes to access the website, and
that really cultivates my patience.”
But what at t r a c t s Kaka in Douala is still the simple life. Africans generally get married when they are 15 or 16 years old. Yaona, a 20-year-old young man Kaka hired as his employee, is already playing the role of a father – “I have 2 kids to feed.” Yaona’s opening remarks somehow astonished Kaka. “They work for 8 hours a day and get 600 yuan a
month, and they feel satisfied and cherish their work opportunities.
They sing when they are working, they look very happy and optimistic, and I like the way they work.”
One more thing which impresses Kaka in Douala is the frequent usage of the typical made-in-China mobiles. “You must know this kind of mobiles, with long time stand-by and amazingly high decibel ringing. It costs about 200 to 300 yuan in Douala.”
Kaka said Africans always show their kindness to Chinese, just like what Yaona said one day when Kaka had chats with his employees:”Chinese people are so smart, their mobiles are of good quality but low prices, and the TV show made in China is wonderful.” Kaka briefed that his African friends like the ”
Journey to the West” the most. “It is translated into English, of course.
Africans are big fans of the ‘DaShiXiong’ Sun WoKong.” Yaona and his fellows nicknamed one of Kaka’s Chinese employees (who is fat) as “Er ShiXiong”(Pigsty), and this nickname could get all the people in Kaka’s factory into a big laugh.
