Yiwu opened the first network of consumer complaints platform


  A few days ago the Hong Kong Daily News (Reporter floor look forward to the correspondent Wang Xujian), Chongqing people Chow login Yiwu Jiangdong e-commerce Association consumer rights complaints from the service station, said he ordered a number of commodities in Yiwu an e-commerce company in the online result, goods sent , the price is high. The business sector to intervene immediately to help Chow to recover the fair. Mr. Zhou said excitedly: “I thought to be rushed to Yiwu to deal with this dispute, I did not expect long as the mouse is gently point, to safeguard their own interests. The Yiwu network consumer complaints platform, really!”

  In recent years, with the rapid increase of the rapid development of Yiwu E-commerce and online shopping, consumer groups, network consumer disputes arising from the frequent occurrence. Last year, the Consumer Protection Committee and the business sector in Yiwu City, according to the needs of the situation, positive and Yiwu Jiangdong Electronic Commerce Association to set up a the Yiwu e-commerce industry’s first consumer rights service station — Koto e-commerce Association of Consumer Rights service station.Consumer rights service station is set up, due to the uncertainty and complaint channels of the network consumer regions, information is not smooth, many online consumers are still to make a complaint through 12315 or other channels, consulting neither convenient consumer complaints, consulting, is not conducive to the service station to work.

  In late February of this year, Deputy Secretary of Yiwu Song ring to lead the staff of the Consumer Protection Committee of Yiwu Jiangdong industrial and commercial reach Koto Electronic Commerce Association, consumer rights service station visits to research proposed in Koto e-commerce Association of Consumer Rights on the basis of the service station, the establishment of the online consumer complaint platform to facilitate the network of consumer complaints, consultation, improve work efficiency.

  In mid-March, through the joint efforts of all parties, Yiwu consumer rights service stations online complaints, consultation platforms came into being. This means that when consumers encounter online consumer disputes in the future, there will be a more efficient defenders channels. Today, consumers simply log Yiwu Jiangdong e-commerce Association website (http://www.yweca.org/) network consumer rights service station platform, you can write inquiries and complaints e-mail. Staff will carry out mediation and reply as soon as possible, to play a good platform for a timely, accurate, convenient and efficient solution, to resolve consumer issues and consumer disputes an active role in the various types of networks. According to statistics, the platform opened half a month, the admissibility of various types of telephone and come complaints, consulting more than 40 onwards to help residents and merchants to recover economic losses of more than 10 million.

  It is understood that in the handling of disputes which, there are a number of unresolved cases. For example, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, Mr. Guo complaints, said he purchased the site by two yuan, Yiwu, a local mixed batch number of commodities, goods received does not meet our requirements. Receipt of complaints, although the industrial and commercial multi-Find contact information of complaints due to Mr. Guo is not clear enough, you can not find the Respondent failed to resolve.

  In this regard, the Consumer Protection Committee of Yiwu City reminds consumers during online inquiries and complaints must be completed, the real personal information, so that staff can get in touch with the complainant in a timely manner.

Why are Products in Yiwu Market SO…..Cheap?

A tea mug a US resident finds in IKEA or other stores for at least a dollar is on sale in Yiwu for 5 cents. A sledge hammer is going for $1.40, an ax for chopping wood for $1.20…

Almost every product is on sale for about one-half, one-third, or one-tenth of the lowest price available in the cheapest discount stores of Europe and America.

What’s more, the quality of these items seemed in no way inferior to the products on sale in store around the world. In many cases, in fact, they are the same goods.

Why Yiwu market can keep such low prices?

#1 A Huge, Cheap Supplier Base

Yiwu with its neighborhoods forms the largest private/family owned factory base in China. After 20 years of running their machines day and night, they already fished off many factories in Europe and America.

Now they are the most efficient manufactures in the world for socks, buttons, zippers, straws, plush toys, jewelry accessories, hardware and tools… What’s more, they’re not only the largest, but also the cheapest.

Let’s see have a look at Mr. Jinwu’s factory:

Mr. Jinwu’s house, a 4 store building of around 800 m2 with a yard, was built 7 years ago. Now the first floor is his warehouse and workshops, the second floor part as his office and part as workshops, the third floor is where his family live, and the fourth floor is dorms for his workers.

They produce sun caps according to orders. When there are no orders, these workers doing other part-time jobs.

Mr. Jinwu pays electricity and water at residential rate, instead of industrial rate. That’s to say, he pays 50%-40% less on electricity and water every month than other factories located in industry zones. Plus zero house rental, zero insurance and medical care cost for his workers…

You can imagine how competitive his price is! There are tens of thousands of factories like this in and around Yiwu. How could anyone else beat them on prices?

# 2 Scale Effect

As so many factories get together, including many big ones, the scale effect shows its power.

Logistics cost, marketing cost reduced. Parts, accessories, materials, even production lines prices all reduced significantly.

The more factories arise, the lower prices there will be.

# 3 Big Battleground

As Yiwu market became the world largest wholesale market for daily using items, more and more factories, not only factories from nearby areas, but also factories from all over China, are putting their products on this market, to fight for a bigger share.

These ruthless competitions ended up with a 2-3% profit margin for many products.

# 4 Strong Government Support

While all China looked free market as an evil character of capitalism, Yiwu already opened its free market in 1982, which is one of the earliest free markets in whole China.

In the last 30 years, Yiwu government put almost all their money and energy to build markets. Then rent shops to venders at very low rentals. Private companies are not allowed to get into market building business. All markets in Yiwu are built by government and run by a government appointed company.

In this way, Yiwu attracts more and more vendors from all over China by its low shop rentals. As a result, factories from cities like Wenzhou, Ningbo, Shantou, even Guangzhou, where tons and tons of products were produced each day for exporting, came to Yiwu market in flocks to sell their products.

Yiwu market offers most-favored-vendor treatment to factory outlet centers. In recent years, they put more efforts bringing in more national top brands and global brands, all in the most favored treatment, to improve products quality level.

With these strong backup from government, Yiwu market kept prices at an extremely low level for three decades in the past. And there shows no signals that this situation will change soon.

# 5 “One-Cent-Profit” Making Money

Businessmen of Yiwu and its nearby areas are famous for hard-working and agility. They’re keen on every “one-cent-profit” businesses opportunity .

For example, the profit of one sewing needle is just about 1/10 cent RMB, the profit of one straw is just 1 cent RBM. But if you can sell containers of them in one month, you can still earn a descent profit.

As long as there is a profit, no matter big or small. These so called “ants businessmen” would desperately go for it. This is probably one of the most important reasons why Yiwu market has such cheap prices.

via Why Yiwu Market Cheap?.

Tips for Mixing A Full Container From Yiwu China

Tips for Mixing A Full Container From Yiwu China

One of the best things of Yiwu market is it’s super easy to mix a full container with assorted products. Because millions of products are wholesaling under one roof.

But, there are still some tips for you to mix container from Yiwu market…

Some Products Require Export Inspection Certificate

According to China law, certain products need to pass an inspection called Export Commodity Inspection, before shipping out.

The goal for this law is, to ensure certain products exported from China is SAFE for overseas consumers.

For example, toys need this inspection to make sure it’s safe for kids. Electrical appliances and cables require this inspection to make sure they’re not easily cause fire. Jewelry require this inspection to make there are not much heavy metal inside…

If the products are tested and passed these inspections, they will be granted a certificate. With this certificate, products can be exported.

However, 99% of the suppliers in Yiwu market don’t have this certificate for their products. It takes too long (about 2 weeks)to obtain certificates. So most the time, the exporters in Yiwu just buy a certificate for an LCL shipment, or pay a “special” declare fees to get a FCL shipment out.

*Here are the tips: try to mix a container of products that don’t require export inspection. So you don’t have to pay this “special” declare fee(200-300USD). Or you mix another container of products require inspection and pay the fee.

Some Products Require Fumigation

Similar as above.

The tips here are: mix a container of products that don’t require fumigation, mix another small container of products require fumigation.

Full container fumigation is much faster and easier to operate. The overall cost is similar to LCL shipments.


Yiwu Miracle, Thanks to “ Yiwu spirit”

Yiwu spirit to create a miracle Yiwu

Yiwu spirit driven “in Yiwu exercise the day, I fully aware of the integrity of the Yiwu people work hard, pragmatic spirit. Yiwu, the miracle of today is inseparable from ‘Qin Geng studious, upright Yong, integrity and inclusive’.Yiwu merchants a dime to make money, I should start from the bit by bit, to play to their expertise, dedication to personal power for the ‘Yiwu pilot’. “yesterday morning, the Local Taxation Bureau of Zhejiang Province, Xu Lijun’s remarks at the provincial authoritiesthe civil service practice and training base site to promote the conference aroused great sympathy.
    Xu Lijun, director of the Office of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau staff member, management committee, assistant director of attachment to Yiwu international trade city is now.

    At present, Yiwu, a total of five units are classified as civil service practice and training bases of the provincial authorities, are Yiwu inland port station construction headquarters, the Administrative Committee of Yiwu international trade city , Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Yiwu Hospital Affiliated Construction Command Ministry of Yiwu economic Development Zone and Hangzhou long railway passenger line Yiwu section of the construction headquarters. In October 2010, the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department selected five provincial organs of civil servants, respectively, to Yiwu five bases in the testing exercise.

    In yesterday’s provincial authorities civil service practice and training bases to promote the conference, more than 40 attachment to the province of practice and training base for officers toured the construction project the Ministry of Yiwu in the construction of financial business district, Zhejiang University School of Medicine City Hospital as well as inland ports and other projects, and to listen to a related presentations and admiration Yiwu construction of a major project.

    Yiwu boost bases in practice the “three”, that is to grasp the three principles to improve the three mechanisms, to take the three initiatives. Three principles focus is reflected in the choice of the base, so that can “ground air” can exercise the cadres, good working atmosphere; three mechanisms in the base to establish a sound rotation exercise mechanism, mentor Bangdai mechanism and regular exchange mechanism ; the three initiatives was fully trust in the political, the work is fully let go, life sufficient interest.

    Through nearly two years of testing and tempering, Yiwu attachment cadres both exercise enhance, but also effective in promoting grassroots cadres in Yiwu style change.

2 Indian traders in Yiwu: Kidnapped, assaulted & now abandoned?-

Kidnapped, assaulted & now abandoned?

29 Mar 2012, 0848 hrs IST

Indian trader Deepak Raheja was freed from the illegal custody of the Chinese just three months ago but now Raheja and his colleague Shyamsundar Agarwal again in deep trouble with no money and Indian embassy stopping financial help they are fending for themselves on the streets of Shanghai. Deepak Raheja, Indian trader, said, “We are sleeping on the footpaths of China. Indian Government is saying that we do not have funds. We cannot leave the country because of the own going case.”

Raheja and Shyamsundar were held hostage in the Chinese trade hub of Yiwu in December after their owner fled leaving behind massive dues. Shyamsundar Agarwal, Indian trader, said, “The consulate in our embassy keeps on saying that they will do something and that we should wait for a day. But we are in very poor condition, neither do we have anything to eat nor do we have any shelter.” The Indian Government is promising action. The fate of these Indian traders now hangs in balance but with the Chinese President Hu Jintao scheduled to arrive in New Delhi today for the BRICS Summit some hope for their return.

via Kidnapped, assaulted & now abandoned?- TIMESNOW.tv – Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos.